
Uloom-ul-Hadith - I (The Hadith: Introduction, Definitions and Types)

 Uloom-ul-Hadith - I

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Uloom-ul-Hadith ISL202
Lecture# 20: Uloom-ul-Hadith - I

The Hadith: Introduction, Definitions and Types

Introduction to the Hadith

Literal Meaning of the Hadith

The literal meaning of Arabic word Hadith is “an item of news”, “conversation”, “a tale”, “a

story”, “a report”, (this report can be historical or legendary, true, or false whether relating to

present or past). The secondary meaning of the hadith as adjective is “new” as opposed to Qadim


“Has the hadith (story) of Musa reached you?”

It may conclude that this word has been used in the Qur'an in the sense of story,

communication, and message etc.

However, just like the terms, Salah and Zakah, the word Hadith has been adopted as a

technical term for the speech, acts, silent approvals, and communications of the Prophet


Technical Meaning of the Hadith

3 ما اضیف الی النبی صلی اهلل علیه وآله وسلم من قول او فعل او تقرير او وصف خلقی او خلقی

“The speech, acts, silent approval, and narration of conduct of the Prophet (PBUH) is called


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